
At l 064 °C, the metal is melted with the alloys to form the various carat strengths needed.

The gold liquid is quickly poured out, to

prevent inconsistent stratincation prior to the solidincation phase.

Gold bars

The metal solidities to form the gold bar. The nrst step of the supply chain.


The bar obtained from the melting phase is rolled and reduced to plates which are at a thickness suitable for the particular type of production.

During this processing step the thickness r1eeds to be continuously checked by experienced operators to ensure high quality produc­tion.


The only mechanical process in the entire supply chain molds the individual pieces.

The plate is transformed and takes shape.

Welding oven


Expert hands begin the meticulous step of the

manual assembly of the individual pieces to form

the intricate chain.

Welding and polishing

The newly assembled chain is welded one ring at a time using the manual blowtorch to then be polished

Galvanic both

The galvanic bath that finishes the production process is carried out by an affiliated company specialising in galvanic lines.

To Romeo e Anna

A big heartfelt thank you to Romeo and Anna who in

1954 brought this wonderful business to life, and to all the women and men who over the years have contributed to the realization of this dream.

They are the real architects of our company's success.

Rosangela, Massimo, Lorello and Matteo
Ranzan Romeo Srl
Via Parmesana, 104
36010 Cavazzale (VI)
︎ +39 0444 945622
︎ +39 0444 945623